'seas' the summer

Sign up for our exciting summer challenge where we encourage you to explore and enjoy 30 different bays in the month of July.

We want you to swim, paddleboard, kayak, surf – or anything else you can think of! The challenge is open to people of all ages who want to get outdoors and take advantage of our stunning beaches, while raising money for two local charities – Jersey Hospice Care and the National Trust for Jersey.

We kick off on Sunday 30 June with our opening swim at Grève dé Lecq at 11:30 and challenge you to visit as many bays as you can throughout the month of July. Our closing swim will also be at Grève dé Lecq on Wednesday 31 July at 17:30. Don’t worry if you can’t fit it all in during July – please carry on swimming in August so you can tick those bays off your personal list.

We are fortunate to live on a beautiful island with many lovely beaches. Please remember to only leave footprints after your swims, to help keep the beaches and bays looking this way.

sign up

Join the challenge

£15 per adult

£7.50 per child (under 18)

Family team £37.50 (Max 5)

Corporate team £60 + booking fee (Team of 5)


sponsorship form

Please make cheques payable to Jersey Hospice Care or The National Trust for Jersey. Please contact us for further details on how to pay your sponsorship money in. Any queries please e-mail: or



  1. Bonne Nuit Bay
  2. Bouley Bay
  3. Rozel Bay
  4. Le Saie Harbour
  5. La Coupe
  6. Fliquet Bay
  7. St Catherine’s (Breakwater Slip)
  8. Belval Cove
  9. Archirondel
  10. Anne Port

11. Grouville Bay (Slip by Rhona’s Café)
12. Grouville Bay (Longbeach)
13. La Rocque 
14. Robin Bay
15. Le Hocq
16. Green Island
17. Grève d’Azette
18. Jenny’s Slip, St Aubin
19. Belcroute
20. Portelet Bay

21. Ouaisné
St Brelade’s Bay
23. Beauport
24. St Ouen’s Bay (La Pulente)
25. St Ouen’s Bay (Le Braye)
26. St Ouen’s Bay (El Tico)
27. St Ouen’s Bay (Watersplash)
28. St Ouen’s Bay (Opposite Jersey Pearl)
29. Plémont
30. Grève dé Lecq

Where are they?

If you haven’t heard of some of these bays before or want to remind yourself how to get to them, we’ve written a little booklet. It includes a map with a rough location for the bays, a description of what they’re like, and if they have any facilities nearby (such as refreshments and toilets). Just print it off as a booklet and tick off those bays throughout the month.

Visit Jersey also offer a guide to some of the beaches : Jersey beach guide link from Visit Jersey 

Swimming hats - We are giving out a free swim hat to the first 200 people registered as part of your entry.

Maps and stickers - We are giving away a map poster and sticker chart, designed by local artists Lauren Radley, for our kids challenge of just 12 Bays in 30 Bays. Email us if you'd like to get involved.


Jersey Hospice care

Many people think hospices are places of sadness focused on death and dying. In fact, our focus is on living and living well right up to the end, making memories, and spending time with your family.

Our care is about so much more than the specialist palliative treatment of a person’s physical symptoms. It’s a total philosophy of care - offering spiritual and emotional support that extends to family members and carers. For each person we are privileged to care for, we only get one chance at the end of life to get it right and that’s why we strive every day to go that extra mile for our patients and their families, to make extraordinary care our ‘ordinary’.

We couldn’t do this without the generosity of our local community and the support of our amazing volunteers.

Find out more

National Trust for Jersey

The National Trust for Jersey was established in 1936.  Today the Trust cares for 31 historic buildings, 1,800 vergées of land (covering 178 sites) and over 19,000 metres of public footpath.

Our vision is to protect Jersey’s natural beauty, preserve its rich wildlife and safeguard its historic buildings permanently for everyone to enjoy and experience. Our core principles are conservation, public benefit and sustainability.

We aim to achieve this through vigilance, sustainable management and by promoting and increasing awareness of the value of the countryside and historic environment to our economy and the benefits this has for both our mental and physical wellbeing

The Trust is a member of INTO, (International National Trust Organisation) enabling it to benefit from reciprocal visitor rights (over 1000 heritage sites) as well as opportunities to share and exchange best practice across the international heritage sector.

Find out more
Jersey Hospice Care Logo


  • Embrace the summer and set yourself a new challenge
  • Visit new places you’ve never been to before or haven’t visited for years.
  • Ditch the car and walk or cycle where you can
  • Sea swimming has proven benefits for mental health and wellbeing.
  • Sea swimming makes you feel alive and loving life!
  • Support two great local charities


  • The challenge runs between 1st July and 31st July. It would really help the organisation of the event if you could register as soon as possible.
  • Swim before work, lunchtimes, daytime, after work, before a picnic tea, by moonlight ... basically anytime you can fit it in. Be organised with your swim stuff, keep it in the car or in your ruck sack, and within the time it would have taken you to make and drink a cuppa you will have ticked another bay swim off the list.
  • Every swim will be different depending on the tides, weather, who you’re with, time of day ... the list goes on. So what are you waiting for – jump in this July



Beach Restrictions For Dogs

Between 1 May and 30 September, dogs must be kept on a lead on all Jersey beaches between 10.30 and 18.00. Pick up after your dog Please clean up your dog’s mess or you could be fined up to £500.
Weaver Fish

Dealing with a Weaver Fish sting

Weaver Fish are normally found around the low tide mark. These small fish raise sharp needles on their backs in self-defence if trodden on and these can be extremely painful. Place the affected area in water as hot as you can stand. Test the water first so as not to scald the person who has been stung.


Dealing with a Jellyfish sting

Do not rub the affected area but remove the remains of any tentacle if present. Lightly spray or slowly pour sea water over the area and apply a cold compress if available. Watch for severe and/or life threatening symptoms such as confusion, check pain or weakness – seek emergency medical attention immediately.

RNLI – Beach safety advice

There’s nothing better than hitting the beach on a sunny day. But don’t let your day be ruined by trouble in the water.  Find out more about staying safe at the beach in the RNLI guide for a safe and fun time at the seaside.
Link to RNLI on Rip Currents
Link to RNLI Beach Safety Guide
Tides Icon

Jersey Tidetable

Some of the bays are equally enjoyable to swim at any time of day or state of tide, but others definitely have an optimum tide to experience it at its best.
Jersey Tide Table
Swimmer Icon


Plan the best days and times for your beach visits by checking the Government of Jersey weather forecast.
Weather Forecast

Contact information

If you have any queries or feedback on the event, please do not hesitate to get in contact:



Terms & Conditions

If you would like to find out more about the two benefitting charities, please see contact details below:

Jersey Hospice Care :
Telephone: 01534 510349
Address: Mont Cochon, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3JB

The National Trust for Jersey :
Telephone: 01534 483193
Address: The Elms, La Chève Rue, St Mary, JE3 3EN
Email :


A big thanks to

Liz Stonebridge who created this event in Guernsey and was happy to share this initiative with us here in Jersey

Proudly sponsored by LV Care Group

Supported by:
The Potting Shed –  Ed Prow
Fuse2  Tim Gaudion
Network Insurance & Financial Planning – Oliver Goater
RNLI Lifeguards